CEO Today Business Women of the Year Awards

55 CEO Today Business Women of the Year Awards 2018 USA my teams. At Zoetis, our col- leagues work incredibly hard, and I want to be sure every- one feels they are empowered to do their best to support their customers each day and that they are encouraged to have fun doing it. What advice would you offer to aspiring women execu- tives today? Stay true to yourself. By know- ing what matters to you first, you can then work your plan more effectively. Having had stints in everything from HR to Sales, I’m a big believer of em- bracing new roles that stretch your skills in new directions. ABOUT ZOETIS Putting Customers First: Zoetis is a global animal health company dedicated to supporting customers and their businesses in ever better ways. Building on 60 years of experience, the company delivers quality medicines and vaccines, complement- ed by diagnostic products, genetic tests, bio- devices and a range of services. Zoetis works every day to better understand and address the real-world challenges faced by those who raise and care for animals. The name, Zoetis, has its root in zo, familiar in words such as zoo and zoology and derived from zoetic, meaning “pertaining to life.” It signals the company’s dedication to support- ing the veterinarians and livestock producers everywhere who raise and care for the farm and companion animals on which we all de- pend. The company strives every day to put their customers first, believing that “when they thrive, we all benefit.” Leading the way are Zoetis field representa- tives, who develop beneficial business re- lationships with customers that endure for years. These relationships are supported by the technical and veterinary specialists who provide in-depth technical expertise and dis- ease education. By having an on-the-ground presence, Zoetis can react quickly to local- market needs and be well positioned to help their customers continually increase their business productivity and sustain long-term success. You may stumble your way through at times, but it helps you become a more resilient and empathetic leader. With so many responsibilities, how do you balance your priorities both personally and professionally? Believe me, it’s not easy and it is not an exact science! My best advice is to make balance a priority over a reasonable period of time – for me that is a month. I also ensure that I schedule time for what matters most to me. Most importantly, I try to be fully present mentally where I am physically. CONTACT Learn more at For media inquiries, e-mail

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