CEO Today Business Women of the Year Awards 18 CEO Today Business Women of the Year Awards 2019 USA its goal of successfully completing Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials with a lysin called exebacase, obtaining results that it believes could lead to a much-needed potential breakthrough in the global threat of antimicrobial resistance. The company is excited and looking forward to the next steps towards the finish line of drug approval where its novel treatment could be available to patients who need it. What type of legal counsel support do you offer for a biotechnology company in particular? Biotechnology start-ups face a dizzying array of business and legal requirements which necessitate being multi-faceted. For example, there’s a need to stay cash-flow positive by attracting investors while at the same time feeding as much capital as possible into all stages of drug discovery, development and the acceleration of products to commercialization. In the process, a fusion of issues arises at every stage which requires a keen sense of judgment, an unravelling of issues and articulation of pragmatic, business oriented, strategic legal support. While a generalist perspective is important, my background as a patent attorney, with particular emphasis in prosecution and litigation, helps me appreciate that one of the most valuable assets for a biotechnology company is its intellectual property. Managing and protecting our patent portfolio is paramount and requires specific expertise. My past role at Enzo Biochem, Inc. (Enzo), an international biotechnology and life sciences company, afforded a wealth of opportunities where I developed negotiating skills essential for structuring the complex partnerships biotechnology companies establish. Further, at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), a non-profit institution focused on cancer research and treatment, I gained experience in the operational aspects of the technology transfer process at every step from bench to bedside. The world of biotechnology is a heavily regulated environment. Knowledge of applicable regulations issued under laws such as HIPAA and the GDPR and by regulatory authorities such as the FDA and NIH is essential. Also, since ContraFect is a biotechnology company that is publically-traded, additional legal support is required for a myriad of areas including corporate governance, compliance with stock exchange rules and SEC regulations, public offerings, securities- related matters, executive compensation and public disclosures. How has your previous experience prepared and assisted you in your role today? Start-ups are fast-paced environments demanding the ability to multi-task, wear multiple hats and work long, odd hours. Holding a variety of jobs while attending college and law school provided a foundation for managing multiple priorities, becoming a jack of all trades and developing a zest for learning. In my previous capacities at both Enzo and MSKCC, I was fortunate to work with many people from different disciplines whose determination and tenacity remind me of our higher mission to improve patient outcomes. My experiences also helped me understand the various viewpoints, roles and/or goals of those involved in the process of drug discovery and development. Working as a research technician at the Public Health Research Institute, on Staphylococcus aureus – I understand the researcher’s perspective. I also witnessed many patients suffering from Staphylococcus aureus infections and dying from sepsis while working in hospitals for seven years as an admitting representative. This provided a unique line of sight into the patient’s perspective and a deep empathy which continues to inform my leadership style. What is the most challenging aspect of your position, and how do you overcome this? I’ve learned that looking at challenges from an opportunity perspective often provides a running start. Certainly, managing limited resources is a huge challenge. I try to crisply identify the current needs and assess how to efficiently apply the resources we have and/or possibly garner new ones. Being nimble, agile and a utility player are often indispensable tools I treasure that are in my management toolbox. What skills would you say are vital to great management and leadership? I strongly believe in a collaborative leadership style. Creating a learning Q Q Q Q “ “ Consider your role models and mentors, rely on those you look up to within the business and scientific worlds, absorb as much as possible from women whose experiences inform today’s societal norms, but also trust your own judgment.

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