A seasoned serial entrepreneur, educator, author, philanthropist and community leader, Jessica Ollenburg. Serves as Principal Consultant and Managing Partner of Ollenburg LLC. OLLC proudly delivers multi-award-winning executive consulting, especially concentrated at the intersection of employment law, behavioural science, leadership and entrepreneurial success. The practice is the culmination of 4 decades of entrepreneurship, business scaling/change management, professorship and legal risk management in a variety of industries and working with thousands of employers and hundred-thousands of employees. An internationally triple-certified educator-author-consultant, Jessica’s focus is to present research and visionary solutions to employer clients, for-profit and not-for-profit, ranging from 1-100,000+ employees. Called upon regularly by academia, media and professional development forums to discuss new findings and future forecasts, she loves surprising clients with unexpected value. Integral to Jessica’s practice is a long history of service to board and advisory roles, ownership in other ventures, certified management consulting, charitable giveback and lifelong learning. 24 www. ceotodaymagazine . com CEO Today Bus i ne ss Women Awa rds 202 2 Jessica Ollenburg Contact Jessica and Ollenburg LLC at info@ollenburgllc.com or by visiting OllenburgLLC.com. Pr inc i pa l Consul tant & Manag ing Par tne r Ol l enburg LLC
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