CEO Today - Business Women of the Year Awards 2023

same rights and benefits as men in terms of recruitment, promotion, talent development, and other areas. In addition, women can enjoy other benefits, like at least 128 days of full- pay maternity leave, baby care rooms for new moms, and so on. • We encourage women colleagues to break limitations set by themselves. Currently, nearly half of DHGATE group employees are female, including those at different levels of management. In your opinion, what unique skills or attributes do women bring to leadership roles, and how have these qualities contributed to your success as a CEO? • Resilience, communication, and connection capability. Women recover from failures relatively easier than men. Generally speaking, women are better at communicating and connecting. As for me, one of my key skills is as a people connector, as the two platforms I have established connect people and businesses from around the world in one way or another. What advice do you have for women who aspire to become CEOs or leaders in their respective fields? For new entrepreneurs, I have three points to share: • Firstly, for entrepreneurs, they should pursue things that enlighten their passions. Challenges are inevitable; most entrepreneurs have experienced that “win or go home” moment, but very few have survived. Most people would see 99.9% of problems and difficulties when facing a challenge. But when you do things that make your eyes shine, you may see 0.1% of possibility and opportunity, and I believe true entrepreneurs all focus on the 0.1%; their passion will drive them to do their best to make things happen. • Secondly, I would like to emphasize the value of a team. We could always overcome difficulties and correct problems as a whole team. And at different stages, a good entrepreneur should think about the development of different team members. Besides, it is equally essential to absorb external talents and work with external experts such as think tanks because they could constantly provide new and leading knowledge from a more objective view, that’s helping to avoid limitations and silos of internal teams. • Thirdly, adaptation capacity, or resilience. With rapid changes in various industries, it is hard to deal with problems with only one solution. Therefore, for entrepreneurs, it is critical to have the capacity to adapt to the changing market, even to foresee potential changes ahead of time, and make adjustments. What initiatives has DHGATE group undertaken to support women’s advancement in the workplace, such as mentorship or leadership development programs? I am not only proud of the business CEO Today Business Women Awards 2023 CHINA - 14 -

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